Inaugura al Bonnefanten Museum di Maastrich una grande retrospettiva su Aldo Rossi

10 Giugno 2015

Aprirà al pubblico il 26 giugno la grande retrospettiva intitolata "La Finestra del Poeta" : un viaggio attraverso cento stampe, disegni e dipinti di Aldo Rossi - alcuni dei quali provenienti dalla Galleria Jannone.


Aldo Rossi
La finestra del poeta / The window of the poet
Prints 1973-1997
26.06.2015 – 15.11.2015

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Aldo Rossi's "Museo di Maastricht", the Bonnefantenmuseum presents and documents its collection of 100 prints by the Italian architect and artist, together with drawings and paintings from private collections.

Few architects were as intensely occupied with making architecture itself the subject as Aldo Rossi (1932-1997). Drawing was second nature to him, as shown by his unending stream of drawings, which were often very poetic, colourful and humorous, and always recognisable in a continual interplay of visual analogies. Between 1973 and 1997, Rossi created a body of works that breathed new life into the genre of the architectural print. They combine poetic and professional aspects into visual associations, and give a personal view of the world of the architect.

The exhibition and the book Aldo Rossi. La finestra del poeta. "Opera Grafica" 1973 – 1997 are the result of wide-ranging research, carried out by the Bonnefantenmuseum in close collaboration with the Fondazione Aldo Rossi. Various institutions such as Istituto Centrale per la Grafica of Rome and Van Eyck of Maastricht have offered their scientific support. This international project received support from the Mondriaan Fund and Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Amsterdam. After Maastricht, the exhibition will travel on to Archizoom of Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and to GAMeC – Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo.

Opening Thursday June 25 6.00-8.00 p.m.
Free entrance 


Tutte le informazioni sulla mostra si trovano qui.


Milano: dal lunedì al venerdì 15.30 - 19.30. La mattina e il sabato su appuntamento.

Pietrasanta: temporaneamente chiuso


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